Phone Number Reverse Lookup. Find Mobile Number
Location and Carrier.
Troubled by a strange number you never seen before? Could it be a wrong number or worse, a scam? One of the ways to find out is to do a reverse phone number lookup on to identify the number, whether it is a cell phone or a landline number, and find out its location.
Firstly, identify the number’s country code. You can select from the drop down menu next to the search box.
Secondly, key in the phone number and press ‘Search’. You will be directed to a new page showing the results consisting of the type of number (fixed line or mobile), carrier, location and time zone. We have also included Google Map for the convenience of our users which may be helpful if you are not familiar with the location stated.
Now you got the results. What’s next?
You can stop here, or you can choose to expose the scammers/spammers and help others.
Or, if you would like to find out if others had experienced the same call, go to our ‘Who Calls Directory’.
Report Spam Calls
To help our users further, we have provided a ‘Report Spam Calls’ button right below the Google Map so you can report the number directly.
After you clicked the button, you will be directed to a new page, you can start to ‘Report A Phone Call’ by providing all the necessary details, including the information about the caller and your experience when dealing with him or her. You can mark the phone number as Dangerous/Safe based on your personal experience. Why? Because, just like you, many people may have fallen victim to the same scamming method or harassment, your experience will be helpful when they are trying to identify the caller.
Who Calls Directory
This is our directory of phone numbers which have been reported by our users. You can search the unknown number right here to identify the caller directly, if the same number was reported by other users earlier. You may be able to find more information about the caller based on others’ experience. If the number was not reported, no info will be displayed.
‘Who Calls Directory’ works well when you cannot get any information from the ‘Search Phone Number’ box. Some caller may disguise their number, such as 12345 and if other users had received the same number and reported more information about it, you will be able to find them here.
We offer this reverse phone number service for FREE, no strings attached. No registration needed.
We dislike scams, harassments, fake numbers as much as you do. It is too common these days to be harassed for no reasons and we can play our part to stop this by exposing the scam numbers. If the number is not a scammer or spammer, at least you can ease your mind. If it is a repeated call from an annoying advertiser or seller, you can choose to block the number however you wish.
With our Phone Number Reverse Lookup, you will have an idea what to do with that unknown number that called you. It is easy to use and best of all, 100% free!